Global SELF Foundation
A New Way to Make a Powerful Difference in the World...

The Global SELF Foundation is a new foundation committed to encouraging and supporting research for character development and well being.
Our mission is to find alternative health technologies and solutions to eliminate physical and physiological challenges and nurture the self development, self awareness and self-sufficiency of the individual.
The Foundation will create, connect and collaborate with the best organizations and experts to raise awareness and inspire research and development related to character development and well being.
About the Global SELF Foundation

We believe that the passion to make a profound difference, while driven by our hearts, must be supported by research, goals and sound strategies. The research supported by the Global SELF Foundation will create beautiful opportunities for transformation, give us fresh perspectives and take us on new, innovative paths to help others grow, develop character, full potential and well being.
Given today's economy, we recognize the need to do more with less. We are committed to using our precious resources to create and support the most innovative, impactful and effective research we possibly can.
The Global SELF Foundation is powered by generous donors. We welcome you to join us on this amazing journey and road of transformation.
Donate to the Global SELF Foundation

If you are passionate about creating profound change in our world, we would be honored if you consider making a donation to the Global SELF Foundation. As a nonprofit, we rely on the generosity of donors like you.
We give from our hearts -- our most powerful engine. Giving is an opportunity, a responsibility and a privilege. This is an important way that we can have enduring impact and truly help make the world a better place.
So we thank you for your interest in helping fulfill the mission of the Global SELF Foundation. Without your support and belief, we could not fulfill our transformational mission.
None of the officers, directors, or trustees of the Global SELF Foundation receive any compensation. This means that charitable donations can be focused on fulfilling the mission of the Foundation.
The Global SELF Foundation has been approved as a 501(c)(3). Your tax deductible gift will help us find and support alternative health technologies and solutions to eliminate physical and physiological challenges and nurture the self development, self awareness and self-sufficiency.
You can call us at 773-536-9779 (7 SELF 6-9779), snail mail us at the address below, or send an email to contact at to donate or find out more and join us on this important journey. Or you can simply click on one of the donation buttons below to make a secure online contribution. Your donation is safe, secure, private and tax deductible. Together we can make a difference.